Friday, May 30, 2008

Story for Children- Chapter 4

And so it all began. The little boy would religiously wake up at 4 o clock each morning and begin his holy rituals, starting with the ablutions and ending with prasad. He was careful not to wake the little girl, though. She would wake up at 8, drink her tea and leave for office, only to return at 10 pm.

The little boy spent all his time meditating in front of the altar, of course. In his mental and spiritual absence, the little girl took care of the house; she swept, washed and cooked like before. As days went by, the little boy began to see progress: he began to understand what the bottles were discussing. Strangely enough, the discussions seemed to be a seamless loop, like thus, barely discernable because of the slurred voices:

"The Queen it is, with her glittering diamonds." - This was a rough, Russian voice.
"And the jester by her side." - French.
"Oh, I say, seven for heaven!" - British, of course.
"Why, you.." - Angry chorus.

After which it deteriorated into dreadful, angry buzzing, like flies. After the buzzing died down, the conversation picked up from the beginning all over again.

The little boy simply did not know what to make of it. This was going to be a tougher ordeal than he ever imagined.

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